Design Blocks

Archive for June 2011

I saw this image on Make It lovely and I just had to share it.

{Image via Make it Lovely}

Its time again for another episode of Genius of Design, this one called better living through chemistry. This episode is particularly interesting because it talks about products such as Tupperware and plastic which was cutting edge and is now so common place we often think of it as disposable.


Mainly because I am very excited at how this piece turned out I thought I would share a personal post with everyone. Many of y’all know I am pregnant and expecting my first child in August and of course I have been in all out baby room planning mode. As I have been searching for baby furniture the last couple of months I have been very underwhelmed with the options out there for kids rooms. Apparently furniture manufacturers really like selling generic poor quality furniture or it was the opposite end and the furniture was ridiculously expensive! I really wanted to be practical and choose key pieces of furniture that can grow with her and not feel too juvenile in a few short years. Lo and behold my sister came to my rescue with a fantastic mid-century dresser that she found on the side of the road in a trash pile. Oh this poor dresser had been abused and had gotten wet sitting out in the rain. However the bones were good and we decided to take a chance. I sent it to the re-finisher and lets just say he worked miracles and it is a sight to see! Every designer I know gets uber (aka super) excited when they have a great piece of furniture and let me just say I am so excited to have one for my soon to be little girl!

It is time for pictures! Below are before and after pictures of the dresser. I am also recovering a vintage 1940’s glide/rocker for her room and I will post pictures when it is done!

Before Refinishing:

Sorry for how blown out it is, I took it with my phone right before it was picked up.

Lovely orange paint and water marks galore.

Yes that is paper stuck to the top of the dresser along with more water marks and damage.

After Refinishing:

Look how pretty it cleaned up!

In her room. Please ignore the bad lighting and the fact that the color is way off.

One last picture just to show how nicely the top cleaned up! It is the original and was not re-veneered.

I hope you enjoyed checking out one of my personal projects!

Recently I posted a great vertical storage solution here is another one I would like to share.

{Image via Storage and Glee}

Would you “sprout” a couch? This lawn couch has actually been floating around for a while but I wanted to share it because I think in the right yard it would actual be a great focal point. You can click here to get all the instructions from Ready Made to create your own sprout couch! From there you could create chairs, loungers or pint sized furniture for kids.

{Image via Ready Made}

This site has nothing to do with design but it is very moving. I just had to share it. Click here to see what I am talking about.


Posted on: June 16, 2011

What a clever and fun way to greet your guests as they enter your home. I just might have to do this myself on my own orange front door. You can actually purchase the decals here on Etsy.

{Image via}

Talk about perspective! Can you figure out how this was done, it is definitely not photoshop.

{Original Image Source Unknown – Found via Pinterest}

Oh I love coming across beautiful inspiring architecture and interior images. Here is a really fabulous one that is in Brussels. Can you identify what historical period the design is from?

Here is another episode of Genius of Design this one discussing objects of desire. Make sure you watch all parts and you will see Michael Graves discuss his 1985 Kettle.